

  • Sneaker Low Seed Runner - Bio Canvas
    1. 12. März 2020
      Super comfortable to wear and go with any outfit. I love(d) to wear them in job, at business meetings or in leisure time. This black is so BLACK :-) Unfortunately already after 1 year the glue dissolved between shoe and sole, not even my cobbler can repair it. For this they are simply too expensive, no matter how sustainable thought and made. ( I couldn't claim it as I didn't remember where I bought them *oops* )
  • Logo Embro Sweat
    1. 12. März 2020
      I LOVE the statement, even wore it gladly on the job. Unfortunately, it does not quite keep its fit and wore out already after 1 year. Sadly more in width than length, which looks with me with a slim figure at 190cm then no longer so charming.

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